what's app: 00989191154650

The company started its activity in 1966 with the aim of producing and selling vegitables. With the help of experienced and specialized staff, this complex has taken a big step towards providing customers with the supervision and monitoring of the production, harvesting, packaging and transportation of high quality Iranian products and employing over a thousand of its products and experienced staff in The field of planting, harvesting, harvesting and storage is ready to cooperate in the export of fruit and vegetable products to various countries around the world

Exports of Eggplant, Garlic, Onion, Potato, Colored Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, Watermelon, Cabbage, Broccoli, Mexican Corn, Celery and Green Beans in ready-to-export export packages is

Appropriate facilities and services in the fields of quality and quantity, basic training by skilled workers, provision of baskets and refrigerated warehouses, warehousing of transport and transport facilities

Eggplant exports have grown rapidly and accounted for a large volume of export of eggplants, making it the fifth largest egg producer and exporter in Iran, indicating the high position and position of this delicious salad

Amazing Kiwi Properties

Kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C and its vitamin C content is higher than oranges. It also contains vitamin D in black beans


If you are concerned about fitness, know that a kiwi number can be a good snack because it fits well and does not let you crumble

Treatment of allergies and allergies

Eating good foods can treat problems such as asthma and allergies. Daily kiwifruit alone reduces the chance of allergic reactions

Stress treatment

Stress and lack of sleep affect the human body. Anyone who wishes not to have this condition should eat four kiwi per day

High-heeled shaggy

It has high nutrients and low calorie intake, so it is a very useful fruit


Kiwi extract prevents skin cancer called melanoma. Lutein in kiwi prevents lung and prostate cancer

Antidote to smoking

Smoking eliminates vitamin C. So smokers should consume about 2% more vitamin C. This is achieved by eating 2 kiwifruit

Got a question about our services?
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Packaging Company
The company uses modern day machinery with quality control system to set up and set up packaging warehouses in the fields of fruit and vegetable production gardens every year; With refrigerated containers, European countries have acted. The company has been very successful in producing high quality tonnage and high quality seafood and has been able to improve the quality of its packaging using designers' opinions and have one of the most stylish and best packaging among its competitors.
What our customers are saying ...
our customers
Some of the countries that export most of us:
Behine Kesht Co

The company started its activity in 1966 with the aim of producing and selling vegitables. With the help of experienced and expert staff, the company has taken great steps in supplying customers with the supervision and monitoring of the production, harvesting, packing and transportation of high quality Iranian fruit, employing over a thousand of its products and experienced staff . The main activities of this company in dealing and exporting eggplant, garlic, onions, potatoes, colored peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, Ergon and Oval watermelon, cabbage, broccoli, Mexican Corn, celery and green beans in Export packages are ready to be exported to foreign market

contact us

Director: Mehdi Gavibazou



Translator and Business Manager Engineer

Yousef Rahmani




Email: L.khanegi@gmail.com


Addrerss:No 11, A10,F1 , Central Fruit Bazar of Tehran, Iran



No 11, A10,F1 , Central Fruit Bazar of Tehran, Iran


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